Best of 2007 #1: Call of Duty 4

Call of Duty 4Call of Duty 4 is the best game I’ve ever played. Goodbye, Team Fortress 2. Goodbye, BioShock. So sorry, Valve and 2K; there’s a new sheriff in town- Infinity Ward.

Infinity Ward brings to the table the first Call of Duty game not set in the Second World War, and their first in the franchise since CoD2- needless to say, it’s the best iteration yet.

Personally, I grabbed the game for the Multiplayer, with absolutely no intention of playing the single-player. Just for kicks, I decided to try it out…wow.

The game’s set in the Middle East/Russia, where a fictional and radical al Queda-esque group’s leader overthrows the government, reminding you of the whole Hitler regime. Your goal of the game is to stop this uprising, and to take care of any bumps along the way. The story grabs you from the very, very beginning where you infiltrate the enemy’s cargo ship (and it’s attacked) to the very traumatic ending.

That’s just the single-player campaign. The multiplayer (why I bought the game, as I played the beta) is absolutely insanely without-a-doubt bar-none no-doubt-about-it undeniably freaking awesome. Yeah, it’s that good. There’s a leveling system that gives you a ton of incentive to keep on playing, and many, many maps and modes to keep things fresh. Overall, the multiplayer is…yeah, the best I’ve played. Again.

So, Call of Duty 4 grabbed the #1 spot. Mind you, this top 10 has been solely based on our opinions here at GameSpotting!- if you could choose, what would your top game be? What games do you think were snubbed? What deserved to be higher?

1. Call of Duty 4
2. The Orange Box
3. Super Mario Galaxy
4. BioShock
5. Halo 3
6. Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition
7. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl
8. Ace Combat 6
9. Sam & Max Season One
10. Beautiful Katamari

Clearly, 2007 was insanely awesome, game-wise. Happy New Year, everyone, and here’s to an even better (?!) 2008!