id Software’s Quake 3 Arena coming to Xbox Live Arcade

Quake 3 Arena, the game that released quite a while ago is going to be appearing on XBLA. While that is exciting, his next announcement is better.

A new Quake Arena game is coming out and…it will be for…free. But with a twist, the new game will feature the Tech5 technology that we have previously talked about and it’s going to be a something of an experiment. He calls it Quake Zero (because it’s for zero dollars, get it?) What they are going to do is take Quake 3: Arena and modify it so it’s a free shooter. However, id Software’s facts are a bit conflicting, either A) It will use the Tech5 technology, B) It will be a web based program that people can play on (it probably will be coded in Java) or C) It’s both. From other sources it sounds a lot more like the C option.

Quake Zero will have in game ads, but as id Software said, this isn’t meant to be a “flashy” game, just an experiment.